Aditya Fuels Limited
As a fastest growing private player in Northern and Eastern parts of India we have the largest consumer base of domestic Consumers. Sustaining India’s Market Leadership Company plans to set more LPG Bottling in Eastern Region by Investing in future of India with responsibility of being the India’s First and reputable, reliable and consumer –
oriented brand.
Import & Storage :
As per OISD-169 Standard having Expertise in the LPG sector in India with international safety standards adapted to Indian conditions. With our constant innovations in the LPG distribution arena we are in a absolute zeal to deliver comprehensive solutions to the needs of a business for Indian Economy.Supply & Distribution LPG :
Supply and Distribution: AFL is engaged in the integrated LPG business including import, storage, filling, sales, and distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG in bulk and also in cylinders of various capacities.
Shipping & Logistics :
Aditya Shipping and Logistics a subsidiary company of Aditya Group involves in LPG movement through River Barges from Halidia to Allahabad through National Waterways.
Bottling Plants :
Aditya Bottling Plants employs the most modern and sophisticated technology to ensure safe and quick process of filling. We also have the facility to receive bulk LPG by Tank trucks or pipeline from a reliable source e.g. Refinery or LPG import Terminals.
The "ADITYA" Story
The Story behind the Name “Aditya”
Taking Inspirations by Lord “SUN” Enlightening world with spirit of luminosity, Fueling with Vitality, Energizing with energy, the Key Promoter Mr V. K. Shukla decided to named the organization as “Aditya” the spiritual name of Lord Sun.